
How to save up to 90% of your time in creating e-Learning


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How to save up to 90% of your time in creating e-Learning

  • Reading time: 3 minutes

Written by Christophe Jacobs

Chief Customer Success Officer

For many organisations, developing e-Learning is a huge task. Several people are involved and it takes a long time before all information is graphically and technically optimized and displayed in the correct module. How easy would it be if a content expert could create e-Learning , without the intervention of a didactic specialist, graphic designer or technical person?

Save up to 90% effort in developing digital Learning

For the creation of a traditional e-Learning project, four different profiles are required:

  1. Subject matter expert: the person with the content knowledge
  2. Instructional designer / Learning developer: the one with the didactic knowledge
  3. Graphic designer: the one who makes it look good.
  4. Technical designer: the one who gets it working technically


Traditional way of e-Learning development:



The FLOWSPARKS Learning Formats are built in such a way that not 4 but only 1 person is needed for the development of e-Learning.


The FLOWSPARKS way of e-Learning development:

3 skills in 1 Learning Format

De Learning Formats are your instructional, graphic and technical designer in one.

Instructional Designer / Learning Developer

The Instructional Designer develops and delivers educational products and experiences. He determines the learning goal and the flow to achieve this learning goal. Thanks to the didactically substantiated templates (Learning Formats) in FLOWSPARKS, no Instructional Designer is needed to create effective e-Learning with a high learning yield.

Graphic Designer

Appearance does matter! With the Learning Formats of FLOWSPARKS you don’t need a graphic designer to create beautiful e-Learning. You manage the ‘look and feel’ of your company simply via the skin editor. The editor applies your corporate identity to all modules. Do you want a different style for a certain project? That’s no problem either!

Pro tip: Not a Photoshop or video expert? No worries! Be creative and use, for example, PowerPoint to edit and create images or to create short animations.

Technical Designer

A lot of time is lost on technical matters when making e-learning. Think about the placement of buttons, micro-interactions and making it responsive. All these things are already predefined in FLOWSPARKS. This way, every template is always responsive so it scales well on every device.

The subject matter expert’s turn

The subject matter expert can develop e-Learning fast and easy with the following 3 steps:

  1. Set your learning objectives
  2. Choose the most suitable Learning Format
  3. Fill in with content expertise

This allows the employees who have the knowledge to digitise their know-how themselves. In this way, the training is more accurate and the employees are more involved. As a result, many steps in the process of e-Learning development can be skipped. So you achieve more with e-Learning in less time!

Achieve more

    • Collaborate better: Collaborate better and let others check the e-Learning with the built-in review tool. Click on an element, add your content and save.


    • Make adjustments yourself, quickly and easily: Has something changed or do you need to make a small change? Make adjustments to the content in the editor, click on SAVE… and you’re done! The changes are displayed immediately, even if the module has already been loaded into an LMS.


    • Multilingualism: Do you offer modules in multiple languages? The FLOWSPARKS authoring tool is available in more than 30 languages. This enables you to add training courses in different languages and to create new content for every language. Particularly convenient is the option to easily import and export translations.


    • Combine existing e-Learning: Combine your existing e-Learning (e.g. SCORM package) with FLOWSPARKS content to form a new course. In addition, you can also integrate off-the-shelf e-Learning from providers.


    • Reuse content: If you want to reuse specific content across several modules, then you can link one part easily to other modules. Making adjustments to the content? Then it will update automatically in all linked modules.

Do you also want to achieve more in less time?

Request a demo or watch the webinar Best Practice: Build e-Learning with impact! on demand.

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