The ONTHESPOT Learning Format helps participants to stay alert. It is the ideal way to challenge participants to quickly evaluate a situation. ‘Is this desirable?’ ‘Is this safe?’, etc.
Use ONTHESPOT and let participants assess quickly. The format starts with the rules. After that, various practical situations are presented. In each situation, the same question is asked: Is this desired? Is this safe? Etcetera.
Give participants as much time as they need, or set a time limit. The format closes with an overview of all desired and undesirable practical situations.
Intro (including rules) | 5-10 situations with question with 2 choice options and feedback | Result page with summary of all valuable theory (rules)
What if participants cannot choose between the middle way, or cannot respond with ‘yes, but…’? Then you force them to make choices. Choices that perhaps also need to be made in practice. To train them to do this, you put participants ‘on the spot’. As the name suggests, this is exactly what ONTHESPOT does.
Adding a time limit ensures that participants decide quickly. After all, they do not always get an infinite amount of time to decide in real life either. Let participants decide quickly and in this way train their first impression. So that they become better and better at assessing situations quickly and correctly.
Use ONTHESPOT, for example, to train safety rules or to really communicate a code of conduct.
Training first impressions is successful with a powerful Learning Format like ONTHESPOT. Curious about the other working methods needed to make other active ways of learning a success? Discover the inspiring and motivating FLOWSPARKS Learning Formats.