

Looking for inspiration or support? We’re here for you!

Choose more than just software! We guarantee valuable support and work with you towards achieving optimal learning outcomes.

Customer Success Coaching

Every customer is assigned a Customer Success Coach. These coaches are a central point of contact for all your didactical and technical queries. Their expertise is second to none, and they can help you to achieve the best learning outcomes with FLOWSPARKS.

The Customer Success Coach understands your specific situation and configuration. In a nutshell, your coach will work with you to get the most out of FLOWSPARKS.

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Customer Success Coach Tiffany

With our professional yet personal approach, we want to help our customers achieve their objectives with FLOWSPARKS. I take on a helicopter view so that I can make sure that I know what you do as a customer, and offer advice to help you.


FLOWSPARKS contains online guides that are always up to date, ensuring you have access to up-to-date assistance whenever you need it. In addition, all customers have access to the members area, which contains further information and resources. We also periodically organise user sessions, so that we can help everyone to make progress.